Antennas - HOA Stealth


I have two HF wire antennas, on for 10 - 40 meters and one more vertical cut specifically for 10 meters.

The (1.) 10 - 40 meter version is a sloper with the top at approximately 80 feet and has stubs for 10, 20, 30 and 4. The (2.) 10 meter has an vertical angle approximately 70 to 80 degrees. I also have a (3.) Comet dual band VHF / UHF with the loaded base at 10 feet and the top at about 20 feet. The wire antennas are on a pulley system and can raised and lowered for maintenance and weather. The wires themselves are coated with a black insulation material that makes them all but invisible.

Pictures below
.Antenna HF_sm.jpg Antenna 10M_sm.jpg Antenna 2M_440_sm.jpg
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